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株式会社 Habitto



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Habitto Surpasses ¥1 Billion in Customer Deposits in Just 7 Months Since Launch and Supports the Younger Generation in Starting New NISA with Free Advice in 2024!







アドバイザーチームを管掌するCOO 久米保則は、新NISAに関するお手伝いへの思いをこのように語っています。



PR担当: 藤井

Entering 2024, Habitto Co., Ltd. has exceeded a cumulative deposit amount of ¥1 billion into its savings accounts. In response to the trust received from everyone, Habitto is expanding its advisory services on investments, including the new NISA.

Habitto's mission is to support the younger generation, aged 20-40, in creating their own financial plans and building assets. NISA, which allows for long-term diversified investments with tax advantages, is a system that the younger generation should definitely consider utilizing. Habitto is ready to support those who are looking to start NISA in two ways.

Support for those who want to start NISA on their own but find it challenging to understand:

Through one-on-one video sessions or chat conversations, Habitto advisors will guide you patiently, providing information on considerations such as choosing financial institutions and funds when creating an account. Even for those who have already opened a NISA account with another financial institution, Habitto will offer valuable advice within the legal limits.

Support for those who want professional recommendations:

For those who have not opened a NISA account and are unsure where to start, Habitto confidently introduces selected Sezon Investment Trust funds and assists step by step from account opening to starting NISA.

COO Yasunori Kume, who oversees the advisory team, expresses his thoughts on assisting with the new NISA:

"While there are many financial institutions recommending NISA, Habitto takes pride in providing top-class kindness, thoroughness, and approachability in supporting the younger generation. It doesn't matter if you have opened a NISA account with another company. If you have questions or need support, please don't hesitate to rely on Habitto advisors."

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