Habitto Launches "Death Meter" Tool to Help People Understand Their Mortality Risk
多くの国や文化において死は忌むべきタブーであり、 例えば日本の保険業界でも、死という言葉はしばしば「万が一」という言葉に置き換えられています。 ただその確率は必ずしも万が一 (0.01%)とは限りません。Habittoは充実したライフ=生を送るためにも、人々が自分の「万が一」の本当の確率を知ることが重要だと考え、このツールを開発しました。デスメーターを使って現在の年齢と将来の任意の年齢を入力すれば、「今幼稚園に通う娘が大学を卒業するまで」や「今年購入した家のローンを完済するまで」といった期間に、自分の死亡リスクがどのくらいあるのかをシミュレーションすることができます。
「デスメーターという名前はちょっと怖くてセンセーショナルに聞こえるかもしれませんが、それは私たちの意図するところではありません。 またこれは恐怖を煽って保険を販売する手法でもありません。むしろ、若い人たちにはこのリスクを統計的な事実として正しく理解してもらい、最小限のコストと効率的な方法でこれに備え、それ以外のお金は今日の生活を楽しみ、将来に投資してほしいと思っています」
Habittoは、「End Financial Anxiety | お金の不安をなくす」というパーパスのもと、貯蓄、投資、保険、そしてアドバイスの全てを提供する「アドバイスするデジタルバンク」です。国内最高水準の預金金利、デビット・キャッシュバック、無料でパーソナルなアドバイスで若い世代のマネー戦略をサポートしています。
Tokyo, Japan – June 7, 2024 – Habitto, a digital bank that provides savings, investment, insurance, and advice, has launched the "Death Meter" tool on its official website. The tool allows users to calculate their probability of death within a certain period based on statistics.
Death is an inevitable truth of life. But what are the odds?
In many countries and cultures, death is a taboo subject, and in the Japanese insurance industry, for example, the word "death" is often replaced with the word "unforeseen circumstance." However, the odds are not always 0.01% (unforeseen circumstance). Habitto believes that it is important for people to know their true "unforeseen circumstance" probability in order to live a fulfilling life, and has developed this tool for that purpose.
With the Death Meter, users can enter their current age and any future age they want to simulate, and see how much their risk of death is during that period, such as "until my daughter who is now in kindergarten graduates from college" or "until I pay off the mortgage on the house I bought this year."
"The name 'Death Meter' may sound a bit scary and sensational, but that's not our intention," said Liam McCance, founder and Chief Creative Officer of Habitto. "This is also not a tactic to scare people into buying insurance. Rather, we want young people to understand this risk correctly as a statistical fact, prepare for it in the most cost-effective and efficient way possible, and use the rest of their money to enjoy their lives today and invest in their future."
Yasunori Kume, COO of Habitto, who also has experience as the president of a life insurance company, said, "Even in the life insurance industry, I have rarely met anyone who understands their own mortality risk. Habitto will continue to introduce unique tools to the world and, together with advisors, support all of your savings, investments, and insurance."
Note: Based on the 23rd Life Table released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
About Habitto
Habitto is an "advising digital bank" that provides savings, investment, insurance, and advice under the mission of "End Financial Anxiety | お金の不安をなくす." With the highest deposit interest rate in Japan, debit cashback, and free personalized advice, we support the money strategies of the younger generation.
Habitto was founded by Samantha Giottini, an Italian woman who turned from a venture capitalist to a fintech entrepreneur, and Liam McCance, a serial entrepreneur from Australia. The company was launched as SJ Mobile Lab Japan Co., Ltd. in November 2021 and changed its name to Habitto Co., Ltd. in March 2023.